Week Four. The 1st grade will create a hot air balloon sculpture. The working title is "Up, Up, and Away". The second grade will construct a Chinese style dragon kite. We're calling it "Dragon Kite".

Once again I'm making armatures for objects I've never made before. For the hot air balloon, I had an idea. It would take a bit more time on my part, but if I could find a big enough ball, I could paper a few layers on, let it dry, then deflate the ball and attach the rest of the armature for the basket, etc... So I go to the local super-huge discount retail chain department store and see they have a huge bin of plastic play balls in their toy department. In the store, they looked pretty big. When I got the ball into the studio, however, I realized it wouldn't be big enough. So, I figure I'll go get a beach ball somewhere. I drive over to the super huge toy store, and ask if they have beach balls. Well, it's April, it's Wisconsin, and I guess there's not a big call for beach balls right now, but they did have a fairly large inflatable beach ball style soccer ball that has a vinyl covering. On the box, it looks really huge. I buy it. Well, of course, I get it open at the studio, start inflating it, and see that it's not really big, but it's better than the first ball, so I think it'll work out.

Using several layers of scrap paper I had lying around, I covered most of the ball. After completely drying, I deflated the ball and attached wires over the thing that in turn supported the basket. If any of you would like a more detailed explanation of the process, email me. Warning, it will cost you chocolate chip cookies. Really big thank you to the first grade teachers Terri Hoffman, Shelley Tighe, Kathy Charland and Carol Loest.


Page 2 "Up, Up and Away"

2nd Grade: "Dragon Kite" page 1

2nd Grade: "Dragon Kite" page 2

see also:

week1: "When Pigs Fly"

Week 2: "Where Eagles Soar"

Week 3: "Flight of the Kitty Hawk" & "Rocket to the Stars"

Week 5: "Freedom to Fly" and "Lakeshore Lion"








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